(Trying to) take notes from the lock screen
I published a new article on dev.to called (Trying to) take notes from the lock screen.
What to do with a Surface Duo in 2025
I published a new article on dev.to called What to do with a Surface Duo in 2025.
My talks about Android, Kotlin, large screen devices and more in 2024
I published a new article on dev.to called My talks about Android, Kotlin, large screen devices and more in 2024.
On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 4)
I published a new article on dev.to called On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 4).
On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 3)
I published a new article on dev.to called On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 3).
On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 2)
I published a new article on dev.to called On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 2).
On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 1)
I published a new article on dev.to called On building a digital assistant for the rest of us (part 1).
Java on Android — less sugar, more fun
I published a new article on dev.to called Java on Android — less sugar, more fun.
Permission not granted - on failing to create cross-profile app pairs
I published a new article on dev.to called Permission not granted - on failing to create cross-profile app pairs.
Jetpack Compose Puzzlers
I published a new article on dev.to called Jetpack Compose Puzzlers.
Understanding file associations in JVM apps
I published a new article on dev.to called Understanding file associations in JVM apps.
What to do with a Surface Duo in 2024
I published a new article on dev.to called What to do with a Surface Duo in 2024.
Free download: Chapter 04 of Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose
I am thrilled to offer yet another chapter of my book Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose as a free download. You can order the complete book at Amazon.
Free download: Chapter 02 of Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose
To celebrate the incredibly positive reception of my book Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose, Packt and I decided to make another chapter of the book available as a free download. We hope this chapter wets your appetite. If it does, you can order your copy at Amazon.
Implementing an animated column section header using Jetpack Compose
I published a new article on dev.to called Implementing an animated column section header using Jetpack Compose.
Article on dev.to about temporary animated column section headers in Jetpack Compose
Published an article on dev.to about temporary animated column section headers in Jetpack Compose.
Article about Android 14 in iX 12/2023
Issue 12/2023 of German magazine iX contains my Android 14 review. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.
Free chapter available
To celebrate the general availability of the second edition of Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose we are making Chapter 11, Developing for Different Form Factors, available as a free download.
Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose
The second edition of my book Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose is available in stores. It provides a thorough introduction to Jetpack Compose with lots of examples and best practices. Order your copy now.
Recording of Composing large screens available
The recording of my talk Composing large screens at droidcon Berlin 2023 is available. Watch it now. -
Article about Java Swing and Compose Multiplatform in iX 08/2023
Issue 08/2023 of German magazine iX contains my article about Java Swing ‐ Jetpack Compose interoperability. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.
Following up on foldables
I published a new article on dev.to called Following up on foldables.
Updating widgets with Jetpack WorkManager
I published a new article on dev.to called Updating widgets with Jetpack WorkManager.
Updating widgets - Introduction
I published a new article on dev.to called Updating widgets - Introduction.
Spot on: Android 14 adds highlights to TextViews
I published a new article on dev.to called Spot on: Android 14 adds highlights to TextViews.
Foldable-aware app layout
I published a new article on dev.to called Foldable-aware app layout.
About Window size class libraries
I published a new article on dev.to called About Window size class libraries.
Composing the desktop
I published a new article on dev.to called Composing the desktop.
Article about Android 13 in iX 10/2022
Issue 10/2022 of German magazine iX contains my Android 13 review. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.
Article about Jetpack Compose migration in iX 12/2021
Issue 12/2021 of German magazine iX contains my article about migrating an Android app to Jetpack Compose. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.
Article about Android 12 in iX 10/2021
Issue 10/2021 of German magazine iX contains my Android 12 review. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.
Implementing a retro-style game using Jetpack Compose
On 2021-09-30, the GDG Cape Town hosted an online session called Jetpack Compose for Fun and Profi. Watch my session about implementing a retro-style game using Jetpack Compose. -
Article about Jetpack Compose in iX 07/2021
Issue 07/2021 of German magazine iX contains my article about Jetpack Compose. You can get a printed copy at the heise Shop, or read the article online.